Hello, my name is Rachel, and my art goes by surfy birdy art. Sometimes people call me surfy. I’m happy to meet you and forever stoked to be able to create and spread the stoke. A typical day for me depends on where I am in the world.

Currently, I am living simply in Costa Rica. Depending on the tides, I hope to wake up, have an iced chai, and head for a surf. Eat a cinnamon roll and have a bit more chai after surfing, then I love to work on my art freshly inspired by the sea.


If I have a project to work on for a client, that comes first, or I’ll work on my art, drawing or painting. I’ve been working on slowing down more and doing yoga/meditation when the world starts to feel a bit busy, and I am really enjoying that.

Longboarder Female

I enjoy eating clean and healthy foods and keeping a positive mindset. Dancing to some tunes if I need a wiggle break.

Another surf at sunset to end the day and watch the sky change colors always ends the day with a happy heart.

I am greatly inspired by the sea, the waves, and their dance with what is around them. The places that speak to me most are full of lush nature, and you just breathe in the beauty. I love traveling and drawing these places that speak to me. The world is large, and so many places have been so unique to me, yet I still can’t wait to see something new and more beautiful. I love incorporating messages of peace and flower power in my art because I want more love to show.

female longboarder

I’m a regular surfer (although I’m quite goofy), so I love long glassy rights. A right-hand point break surrounded by nature makes me want to wave dance all day long. Lefts are nice too.

Thinking of the ones I love – makes me smile.

My fondest childhood memory is of me and my twin sis taking turns getting pulled around by our German Shephard in a little tikes-like car.

To see more on my art visit instagram.com/surfybirdy and society6.com/surfybirdy much love!